Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Assignment #22 / High School Newspapers

The Eagle
The International School of Zug and Luzern
Hünenberg, Switzerland

CSS Chronicle
Chilliwack Secondary School
Chilliwack, Canada

Grand River Collegiate Institute
Kitchener, Canada

The Crimson Crier
Sparkman High School
Harvest, Alabama

Valkyrie Voice
Mary G. Montgomery High School
Semmes, Alabama

BA #23/ Teen/Kid Feature

Ugandan Eagle Project Nominated for National Award

   A teenager on a quest to earn his Eagle Scout Rank took his service project to east Africa, where he helped improve living conditions for a group of abandoned babies. The project has been nominated for Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year. For his project, Ian Woldt raised money at home and then traveled to Uganda to install a water storage and heating system for the babies and older children at the Kyabakuza Baby House. He also delivered donated medical equitment and 500 cloth diapers. "I just wanted to do something different," said Woldt, 15, a member of Boy Scout Troop 51 in Jackson, who recieved his Eagle rank in a ceremony on January 10 at Jackson United Methodist Church. He is the son of Dan and Danielle Woldt.

A  Teen's Take: A'Niya Robinson

   "Spend every moment that you can being happy because every second of happiness is something that you can't get back." A'Niya is 16 and goes to Zachary High School. Her parents are Warren and Norma Allen. She is also the first vice president of her junior class and Is a member of New Providence Baptist Church in Zachary. For more information, visit the Advocate's website.

Youth News for February 4, 2011

   It happened one night at the beginning of shooting.Denzel Washington, Matthew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, Cary Elwes and Andre Braugher were discussing the film that was to unfold before them.Kennedy talked about Hollywood and how he developed a friendship with director Ron Howard while working on the 1986 film “Gung Ho.” Kennedy played the character Junior in that movie. He knew he was taking a chance. The director could mistake Kennedy’s interpretation as mocking the material.The troops find success in a South Carolina skirmish, but many of them, including Shaw, are killed at a battle at Fort Wagner. And as Kennedy reminisced about his time spent on that film, he was sure to add how the cast and crew heeded Washington’s words.They didn’t mess it up.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

March Lion's Club Article

St. Patrick's Day
   Saint Patrick was the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland who is credited with bringing christianity to Ireland. Most of what is known about him comes from his two works, the Confessio, a spiritual autobiography, and his Epistola, a denunciation of British mistreatment of Irish christians. Saint Patrick described himself as a "most humble-minded man, pouring forth a continuous paean of thanks to his Maker for having chosen him as the instrument whereby multitudes who had worshipped idols and unclean things had become the people of God."
   Saint Patrick is most known for driving the snakes from Ireland. It is true there are no snakes in Ireland, but there probably never have been - the island was separated from the rest of the continent at the end of the Ice Age. As in many old pagan religions, serpent symbols were common and often worshipped. Driving the snakes from Ireland was probably symbolic of putting an end to that pagan practice. While not the first to bring christianity to Ireland, it is Patrick who is said to have encountered the Druids at Tara and abolished their pagan rites. The story holds that he converted the warrior chiefs and princes, baptizing them and thousands of their subjects in the "Holy Wells" that still bear this name.
   Saint Patrick's Day has come to be associated with everything Irish: anything green and gold, shamrocks and luck. Most importantly, to those who celebrate its intended meaning, St. Patrick's Day is a traditional day for spiritual renewal and offering prayers for missionaries worldwide.
   So, why is it celebrated on March 17th? One theory is that that is the day that St. Patrick died. Since the holiday began in Ireland, it is believed that as the Irish spread out around the world, they took with them their history and celebrations. The biggest observance of all is, of course, in Ireland. With the exception of restaurants and pubs, almost all businesses close on March 17th. Being a religious holiday as well, many Irish attend mass, where March 17th is the traditional day for offering prayers for missionaries worldwide before the serious celebrating begins.
   In American cities with a large Irish population, St. Patrick's Day is a very big deal. Big cities and small towns alike celebrate with parades, "wearing of the green," music and songs, Irish food and drink, and activities for kids such as crafts, coloring and games. Some communities even go so far as to dye rivers or streams green!

Fun Sheet

Word Search

D Y U N S E P J G T V S A M 
N Q E K A C G N I K E A A C 
A I O V I D K H G D Z R A R 
L N U I N W X C A R D F Q J 
E I I J T F X R O I E S G O 
R C P F P W A O G R B E Q L 
I S N U A P S R Z O M M N O 
A X C C T M A R C H M A R U 
H N Z V R S M E P M I O H A 
U X L S I X D C R L M K D S 
H R C P C K Y L D F N A V Y 
B U S F K S J M J D V C E B 
E A S T E V U J W F R A B K 
V O Y P F X P Y M G C V Y W 


Peanuts - March 12, 2010




Thursday, February 10, 2011

blog assignment#18: Obama

Barack Obama

   Barack Hussien Obama II was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother, Stanley Anne Dunham, was from Witchita, Kansas. His father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Luo from Nyang'oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya. His parents divorced when he was only two years old and married Lolo Soetoro an Indonesian man with whom she had Barack's half sister, Maya. When Barack was younger he was known as "Barry."
A young boy possibly in his early teens, a younger girl (about age 5), a grown woman and an elderly man, sit on a lawn wearing contemporary circa-1970 attire. The adults wear sunglasses and the boy wears sandals.
   Two years after graduating, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland on Chicago's South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988. In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was also selected editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year.
   Barack Obama is, as described in The Audacity of Hope, a Christian. He grew up in a non-religious household. He is said to have developed his Christian views in his adult life. Obama was baptized at Trinity United Church of Christ in 1988 and was an active member there for two decades. Now Obama's primary plave of worship is at the Evergreen Chapel at Camp David.
   Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America. He is also the current president of the U.S.  He is the first African-American U.S. President ever. His Vice President is Joe Biden. Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
   In June 1989, Obama met Michelle Robinson  when he was employed as a summer associate at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin. At first, she would not go on a date with him while they worked together. They began dating later that summer, became engaged in 1991, and were married on October 3, 1992. Obama's first daughter, Malia Ann, was born on July 4, 1998, followed by Natasha, or Sasha, on June 10, 2001.  They now have a dog (a Portugese water spaniel) named Bo. Obama lives in the White House with his family and is 49 years old.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Assignment#16/wacky news

   How to Make a Winter Survival Kit For a Car
   Though rare, there are certain times a winter survival kit for your car that will come in handy. People die every year in their automobile
from exposure to the elements during harsh weather conditions. It takes mere minutes for the warmth of a car to plunge into deadly below zero temperatures in many parts of the country. There is a basic survival kit that takes up very little space in your car and may someday save your life and those who may be with you.
    Include items in your survival kit which can heat up the car. To warm up a car that has died by the side of the road in a blizzard, certain items are proven to be effective. A large metal coffee can is the perfect size for a roll of toilet paper. If you find yourself stranded, place the roll in the can and pour some isopropyl alcohol on it. Place it in a safe place towards the middle of the car and light it. Be sure that you have a window cracked open. The cold is going to enter anyway and you want what little smoke there is to exit the car. This will produce a clean flame that will burn for hours and provide enough warmth to keep you alive until help arrives.
    Pack candles. Another way to warm up the interior of a car in freezing weather is with a medium candle placed in a metal coffee can. Again crack a window. The warmth of one candle can raise the temperature enough to keep you alive. Two candles in two cans are even better. Of course the extra jackets, blankets,hats, gloves, socks, and long underwear that you packed in your winter survival kit will help also.
   Have a way to signal someone for help from the car. A cell phone will work great if you have a useful signal. A flashlight can be used to signal in the dark and aid in reading car manuals, etc.
   Include food and water in your survival kit. This is important to keep up your energy if you have to remain with your vehicle over a prolonged period. This does happen in remote places in severe weather. Nuts, dried fruit and candy bars will provide nutrition and energy. Bottled water will keep you hydrated.
   Keep your survival kit current. Making a list of things you need for your survival kit is an easy way to remember to pack it during winter months. It is also a good way to ensure there are fresh batteries in your flashlight, extra batteries, dry, new matches or good lighters, or new food and water.

How to Celebrate Valentines Day Without Spending Money
   We hold love in our hearts rather than our hands, and we see it only when we give it to another. Simple, heartfelt gestures are the best way to offer the gift of love.
   Leave a note on her pillow, a note on her dressing table mirror, a note on the breakfast table, and a note on her car's steering wheel.
   Find a classic love poem and write it on the bathroom mirror. Bring her breakfast in bed with a love note on the tray. Draw a heart on her makeup mirror.                                                         
   Use a caof water-soluble, non-toxic aerosol paint to write a message of love on the grass in your yard.
   Call her favorite radio station and request a romantic song during the time she drives to work.
   Change the welcome message on your answering machine to an expression of love.
   Show up at her workplace, meet her as she takes her break, and whisk her away to a lovely park. Have a picnic lunch, complete with candle and rose.
   Write her a long letter, one in which you recall the most emotional parts of your romantic history.
   Print out "I Love You" posters on your computer, put them on your garage door and on light posts around the neighborhood.
   Ask her to watch the sunset with you - and promise her your love will burn longer than the sun.
Open the windows, put her favorite romantic song on the CD player, and invite her to dance under the stars.

How to Resolve 5 Common Grammar Problems

   Even an expert writer loses credibility and risks being misunderstood by making grammatical errors. It's or its? Blonde or blond? Bombs specialist or bomb specialist? Once-in-a-while or once in a while? Harry and me or Harry and I? Avoid five common grammatical errors in English.
   Use a hyphen when combining two or more words to describe a word that follows. The combined words act as a single adjective: a ten-dollar bill, a three-year-old boy, a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
   Don't use the hyphen if the describing words come after the word being described: A well-done steak should be well done. An over-the-top presentation was over the top.   
Use an apostrophe when a letter or group of letters is being left out to form a contraction. Remembering this simple rule will help avoid one of the most common grammar dilemmas: it's or its? Use the apostrophe when the word means it is. Leave it out for "The dog wagged its tail"
   Don't be confused about when to say "Sally and me" or "Sally and I." The simple way to check is to leave the other person out of the sentence altogether. "He spoke to Sally and I" becomes "He spoke to I." "My friends and me went to the concert." becomes "Me went to the concert." If the sentence sounds wrong without the other words, it is wrong. 
   Adjectives are almost always singular. No matter how many dollars are involved, it's a twenty-dollar bill. No matter how many drugs he sells, he is a drug dealer, not a drugs dealer. The exception is when the meaning is unclear: The two countries are engaged in an arms race, not an arm race.
   Be careful about words that have masculine and feminine forms. A man is blond; a woman is blonde. The man is a fiance; his girlfriend is a fiancee. Francis is normally a man; Frances is a woman. Marion is most commonly a masculine form of the name; Marian is feminine.

How to Understand the Rules of a Super Bowl Pool

A Super Bowl football pool is a annual tradition in many offices. It is a fun activity and an opportunity for coworkers to bond over football. For the non football fan, they may be confused on how a Super Bowl pool works.

  • The most common type of football or Super Bowl pool is buying squares. In this pool each participant buys a square in a grid. The cost of a square can be any amount the organizers choose, typically a dollar a square.

  • 2
    The pool is displayed on a 10 x 10 grid with numbers along both the top and left side of the page with 100 squares total available. The top row of numbers represents one super bowl team and the side row represents the other team. The numbers are not actually placed on the top and side, however, until all the squares have been purchased and filled in with the contestants' names. Once filled, numbers are drawn out of a hat and placed randomly left to right along the top of the grid and top to bottom down the side of the grid.

  • 3
    The object of this grid type office pool is to have the combination of number that match the last numbers in the score of the game. There is a payout at the end of each quarter and at the end of the game. The digit used is always the second number. For example, if a team has 17 points at the end of the quarter, the 7 is used to determine the winner. The payments can be equal for each quarter but typically there is a larger payout at the end of the game.


    How to Create a Scrapbook With Friends

  • 1
    Discuss in advance what type of scrapbook you want to create and the timeframe it should cover. For example, it could summarize fun events over just the past year. Instruct everyone to locate photos and other relevant memorabilia, such as a concert tickets, event programs and amusement park tickets.

  • 2
    Decide how to share the cost of the supplies among everyone. Either everyone can chip in and one person buys the supplies, or everyone can be responsible for their page.

  • 3
    Arrange a meeting time and place to plan the scrapbook and select photos as a group. It should be somewhere with a large work surface that can accommodate the number of people. Everyone should bring photos, mementos and scrapbooking supplies and tools.

  • 4
    Sift through the photos and select two to four for each page. Include as many group photos as possible. Decide what other mementos can be added to the page.

  • 5
    Let each person pick which page they want to work on or divide into teams of two or more people.

  • 6
    Work on the scrapbook as a group if possible by meeting as often as necessary. Otherwise, each friend should head home with the necessary photos, mementos and supplies to create a page.

  • 7
    Assemble the book and take turns keeping it so everyone has a chance to share it with


    How to Make Creative Handmade Valentine Cards

  • 1
    Lay your piece of red card stock on your work space, and turn it to face you so it's laying horizontally.

  • 2
    Fold the card stock in half. Now you have a vertically-oriented card.

  • 3
    Snip off about a third of the card from the top or the bottom. If you are worried about not being able to cut a straight line, use a ruler and pencil to draw a line before cutting.

  • 4
    Decorate the front of your Valentine's Day card with scraps of craft materials that you have. For example, cut hearts out of old greeting cards. Cut squares from Valentine's Day-themed scrapbook paper. Glue a collage of scraps and shapes on the front of the card.

  • 5
    Plug in your hot glue gun with a glue stick inserted into it. Allow the glue to heat up for a few minutes. Squeeze dots of glue on the back of faux jewels, and place them in random places on the card. Be creative.

  • 6
    Write an original poem on the inside of the card with a paint pen in silver or gold. You do not have to be a poet to do this. Simply start with one line that expresses your love, and then build upon it with a second rhyming sentence. For example: "I love you, Ben, with all my heart. You've been kind, strong and honest, right from the start."

  • How to Make At-Home Multi-Purpose Survival Kits

  • 1
    Select sturdy, durable and waterproof backpacks to hold your survival supplies. Each member of your family should have his own backpack. Backpacks are preferable over other types of luggage, such as duffel bags or suitcases, because they are small and easy to transport.

  • 2
    Pack climate-specific items, such as gloves, scarves, raincoats or sunscreen. Consider the area you live and the type of weather you most frequently encounter. Pack accordingly.

  • 3
    Place bandages, gauze pads, scissors, tape and other medical-emergency supplies in your backpack. Pack items in zippered plastic bags to keep them organized and dry. Survival kits should include basic first aid items, but if you plan on traveling in case of emergency, pack more complex first aid items, such as a suture kit or surgical supplies.

  • 4
    Pack prescription medications in your survival kit. In a disaster, you may not be able to get basic medications, so it is important to have at least a small supply of prescription medications, such as asthma, diabetes or allergy medicines on hand.

  • 5
    Fold a set of clothing for each family member and pack them in your survival kits. Include a shirt, pants, socks, undergarments and a pair of shoes.

  • 6
    Pack enough food and water to last each person at least three days. Select dried or canned foods that will retain their freshness after long periods of storage and in various weather conditions. Nuts, freeze-dried fruits, granola bars and Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) all have long shelf lives.

  • 7
    Include communication tools, such as a hand radio or an emergency whistle. Pack an extra cell phone charger, but note that cell phones sometimes do not work in large-scale emergencies.

  • How to Reduce the Size of your Wallet with a Multi-Purpose Card
    Assemble all of your customer cards such as Safeway Cards, Save on Foods

  • Cards, Shoppers Drugmart...

  • 2
    On the back of all the cards, underneath the bar codes, there should be a series of numbers with either 7,8,9,12 or 13 digit code. Write these down.

  • 3
    Go to the website ( and put your card code in the generation box (if you have 9 digits, it will say that it should be 7,8,12 or 13 digits, simply add a ? to the end of the number series).

  • 4
    Compare the generated bare code with the one on the back of your card. If they match, then voila, you have a bar code.

  • 5
    Assemble all of the bar codes that you have, label them in a way that makes sense for you. Cut them out (as closely to the code as you can to maximize the number of codes you can get on the card).

  • 6
    Place the bar codes on an old card/used gift card and tape them in place (a continuous strip is best as to not distort the reading laser).

  • 7
    There you have it. A multi-purpose card. The cashiers will look at you funny at first, but when they realize how small your wallet is, they will want to do it too. Enjoy.

  • How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Multi-Purpose Cleaner



    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Assignment#10/George Mueller

    George Mueller

       George Ferdinand Mueller was born on September 27, 1805 in Kroppenstedt, Germany. His early life was not marked by righteousness — in fact, he was a thief, a liar and a gambler. By the age of 10, Mueller was stealing government money from his father. While his mother was dying, he, at 14 years of age, was playing cards with friends and drinking.  At the University of Halle, Mueller was invited to a Christian prayer meeting with fellow students. He began to read and study the bible.  After praying with the pastor on his knees, he was convinced of his salvation.
       George Mueller became a Christian evangelist and the director of Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England. During his life time, Mueller cared for 10,024 orphans. He was well known for an education to the children under his care, to the point where he was accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life. He also established 117 schools which offered Christian education to over 120,000 children, many of them being orphans. The work of Mueller and his wife with orphans began in 1836 with the preparation of their own home at 6 Wilson Street, Bristol for the supplies of thirty girls. Soon after, three more houses in Wilson Street were furnished, growing the total of children cared for to 130. In 1845, as growth continued, Mueller decided that a separate building designed to house 300 children was necessary, and in 1849, at Ashley Down, Bristol, home opened up.
       One of Mueller's quotes is, "A servant of God has but one master." Some other quotes include "The less we read the Word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray,”and "If honest of heart and uprightness before God were lacking or if I did not patiently wait on God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellow-men to the declarations of the Word of God, I made great mistakes.” I believe that George Mueller was a righteous man. His life and legacy should be treasured in the hearts of anyone and everyone. He should be admired. His life inspires me to go and help the needy and donate to charity. He saved lives, and is now resting in peace.