Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog 52/Final 2011/Salvation-The Greatest Story Ever Told

Salvation-The Greatest Story Ever Told
   The Salvation story starts with the creation of the universe. God created man in that universe. Adam and Eve were his two creations. When they disobeyed, they needed salvation. between then and the end, man has been either following God or not. The ones who obeyed needed to get to Heaven.
   So God sent his only son, Jesus to earth to save mankind. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He slept in a manger. First, Jesus preached to the people. Then, He healed the poor or sick. Finally, He died on the cross for our sins. After that, we can all make it to Heaven if we are in Christ Jesus.
   And for those who are not, they will be left on the earth after the rapture. Then they must repent to go to Heaven. Those who do not go to hell. Then, the people in Heaven will go to the new earth God will build and stay there for eternity, worshiping God.

Blog #44 / The BBC

Rescue Efforts Continue After Lethal US Storms
   More than 60 tornadoes ripped through North Carolina, killing 21, the highest toll for any of the states affected. Governor Beverly Perdue said on the NBC network's Today show that she had never seen anything like the devastation. She said homes in the state had been handled like paper dolls' houses."The good news is that the tornadoes have left and things are brighter today in North Carolina," Ms Perdue said, adding that federal officials were beginning their damage assessments. I believe that all of the US should take extra precautions to be prepared for these types of catastrophies.

British military officers to be sent to Libya
   British military officers will be sent to Libya to advise rebels fighting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's forces, the UK government has said. Rebel fighters say that they have made gains Misrata. Ten officers will provide logistics and intelligence training in a UK and French operation. The officers will be wearing civilian clothing, not uniforms, but are likely to carry sidearms. I believe that it is great that they are

Blog Assignment #46 / Chicago Sun Times

U.S.: DNA Confirms Death of Osama bin Laden
   Osama bin Laden, the face of global terrorism and architect of the September 11, 2001 attacks, was killed in a firefight with elite American forces Monday, then quickly buried at sea in a stunning finale to a furtive decade on the run. He was thought to be hiding in caves, but was found in a custom-built hideout not far from a Pakistani military academy. Many people are celebrating in their houses and in the streets. Threee others were killed in the fight, but none of the US. President Barrack Obama announced bin Laden's death at the White House and has said that justice was made.

Prince William and Kate Stall Honeymoon to Throw off Paparazzi
    Prince William and his new bride, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, pulled a fast one on the world’s media. The couple has decided to postpone the honeymoon until they can slip away. They wanted some privacy, for they know that they will be surrounded by paparazzi the rest of their lives. They have not said where they will go.

Blog #47 / The Times Picayune-NO

Record 226 Tornadoes in 24 Hours Last Week

    It is said that there were more tornadoes on that day than any other day in history! There were 312 outbreaks last week, including 226 tornadoes in one day. A new record! Although its not exactly a record one would like to have, it is still a record. The older record was 148 in 1974. It was a deadly twenty-four hours that killed many.

Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. in Pakistan
    Osama bin Laden was killed after hiding out as the most wanted terrorists for a decade. He was known for planning the 9/11 plane crash into two buildings, killing many American people. President Barack Obama states that justice has been done. A small team of Americans killed bin Laden and three others in a firefight. This event took place on Sunday. An excited crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death after a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade.

At New Orleans Jazz Fest, 'It's All About the Food'

    At this Jazz Fest, the chefs plan on serving fourteen thousand crab cakes! That is an abundant amout of crab cakes, enough to feed an army. First, they'll put flour and then an egg wash on each one and cover it with Panco, the airy Japanese bread crumbs that give the spicy dish an extra crunch. Then they'll deep-fry them at 350 degrees for a couple of minutes and serve them with smoked-tomato and jalapeno tartar sauce. Chefs say that they won't be able to look at another crab cake for months!



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blog 52 - Final 2010/Best-selling Books

The Percy Jackson Series: The Lightning Thief
   These books are very interesting, and are some of my favorites! This series is about a young boy named Perseus 'Percy'  Jackson, who is dyslexic, has ADHD, and has been kicked out of every school he's ever attended. He has never even met his father and his mom is married to a pig. Percy's stepdad, Gabe, is mean and demanding with his poker games. But that will all change.
   Percy always knew that his friend, Grover Underwood, was a little strange. He was in sixth grade and had a terrible case of acne, a goatee, and had something wrong with his legs, but the next day he was a satyr! But when his math teacher tuns into a old hag with fangs and claws and tries to kill him, he knows something's up.
   It turns out that he is a demigod. Half Greek god and half human. Percy Goes to Camp Half-Blood, a camp for demigods to train. When he arrives, he learns that he is a halfblood. In the other books, Percy and his friends go on quests and save the world. To find out what happens, read the books! I highly reccommend them.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog 52 - Final 2010/Time Magazine

Memphis Watching Rising Mississippi River
   As the Mississippi is rising, people question whether Memphis is prepered for it. The Mayor says that they are ready for it. They expected it to start rising in late Monday. Now they say it will be earlier than expected. They say it could crest as soon as Monday night at or near 48 feet. They have been abandoning homes that will most likely be affected by the situation.
   The Mississippi has swamped houses in Memphis and may  consume even more.  Because God is good, the river has gone up slowly enough so that the people could evacuate their homes. !,300 homes were told to go for safety. Thank God they did! Some spectators came to watch the water rise up.
   Thanks to God, the rising was predicted and no one got killed. God helped thrm prepare and protected the live of the people. The river already reached record points in some areas. It could have been devastating. But God took care of His people. This again shows God's mercy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog #45 / The LA Times

Tagging Outside an L.A. Street Art Exhibit Fuels Debate

   The Museum of Contemporary Art expected to make some waves when it launched "Art in the Streets," billed as the first major U.S. museum survey exhibition on graffiti and street art. In a city considered one of the birthplaces of street art, the exhibit at the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA has intensified an already fierce debate about whether something that is illegal can also have artistic value. To fans, it's a welcome recognition of an urban artist style that is evolving from street vandalism into something more. "It's exciting to have some of the most vibrant street art in the world happening in Los Angeles," Greg Linton, an arts blogger who documents street art in L.A., said of the exhibit. "It's what makes these urban areas so special." I believe that it is a pretty neat and interesting event.

Alleged West L.A. Burglar Suspected in Hollywood Temple    Fire

   Los Angeles police have arrested a man in a West Los Angeles burglary who they believe is responsible for a fire and burglary at a prominent Hollywood synagogue. Dmitriy Sheyko, 21, a transient known to frequent the Hollywood area, is suspected of breaking into Temple Israel in the 7300 block of Hollywood Boulevard on April 14 and a nearby grocery store. Sheyko, who police said has a criminal record, was arrested Monday in connection with a burglary in West Los Angeles. I think it is a shame that people do things like that.

2 Afghan Soldiers Killed in Assassination Attempt

   An insurgent dressed as an Afghan soldier opened fire Monday inside the Defense Ministry, killing two soldiers in an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Afghan and French defense ministers. The attacker, who was also armed with explosives, struck the ministry before noon, ahead of a joint news conference the ministers had scheduled. He was shot and killed by Afghan soldiers before he could detonate his explosives. It is a shame that all of this killing is going on.

3 Western Powers Sending Military Advisors to Libya

   In the wake of a plea for help from besieged rebels in the Libyan city of Misurata, three Western powers have announced that they will send military advisors and one said Wednesday that it would step up airstrikes against Moammar Kadafi's military. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa said 10 military instructors would be sent and details were being worked out. He spoke Wednesday after meeting with his British counterpart, Liam Fox. France and Britain had announced earlier that they would send military officers to Libya to help rebel forces organize and bolster the NATO air campaign that has failed to rout Kadafi's military. It is great that they are willing to help those people.

Angels' Youth Serves With Distinction in 15-4 Win Over Texas

   You can blame it on injuries, credit it to talent or split the difference and say both had something to do with it, but whatever the reasons, Angels Manager Mike Scioscia has grown comfortable with a lineup that includes rookies at catcher and first base, a center fielder who came into the season with just 62 days of big league experience and a closer who hadn't pitched in relief until last April. "There's a lot of youth on that field," Scioscia said. "The bottom line is not to look at the number next to that experience column. It's what can a player do now. When you see talent … you'll go with it." That is great news for the team. YAY!!!