Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog 52 - Final 2010/Time Magazine

Memphis Watching Rising Mississippi River
   As the Mississippi is rising, people question whether Memphis is prepered for it. The Mayor says that they are ready for it. They expected it to start rising in late Monday. Now they say it will be earlier than expected. They say it could crest as soon as Monday night at or near 48 feet. They have been abandoning homes that will most likely be affected by the situation.
   The Mississippi has swamped houses in Memphis and may  consume even more.  Because God is good, the river has gone up slowly enough so that the people could evacuate their homes. !,300 homes were told to go for safety. Thank God they did! Some spectators came to watch the water rise up.
   Thanks to God, the rising was predicted and no one got killed. God helped thrm prepare and protected the live of the people. The river already reached record points in some areas. It could have been devastating. But God took care of His people. This again shows God's mercy.

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