Thursday, April 7, 2011

BA #39/Fav. Hobbies

   I enjoy reading. It is definately my favorite hobbie. Reading is good for your brain. All you have to do is pick up a book and read. Reading is something that you can do with spare time that will actually benefit your mind. It is a pretty awesome hobby.

   I absolutely love to draw. It is fun and exercises my brain by using up all of its creativity. I usually like to draw animated things, but I can do realistic ones too. All you have to do is pick up a pencil and let it flow on the paper. If you are good enough, you can even sell your drawings or become an illustrator
   I also like to take photographs. I enjoy looking at sunsets or sunrises, which make good photos. When you get older you could become a professional  photographer. You could get paid a whole bunch of many. It works out well.

   I enjoy playing basketball. It is fun and good exercise. You have to be coordinated and in good shape. It is a fun way to excercise and have fun. They have college and high school teams along with the NBA and the WNBA.
#5-Horseback riding 
   I really love to go riding. It is calming and relaxing. It is fun to ride on trails and see all of the creatures and things on the trails. It helps you to think too. If you are competitive, you could do jumping, racing, or be in a rodeo. The possibilities are endless!

Samuel's favorite hobbies

Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team (the batting team) take turns hitting against the pitcher of the other team (the fielding team), which tries to stop them from scoring runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance via a teammate's hit or other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn at bat for each team constitutes an inning and nine innings make up a professional game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.

   Football is a popular sport.




Andrew's favorite hobbies


#2-Video gaming



#5- Basketball

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