Thursday, January 27, 2011

Assignment#11-part 2


#1-  Officials say that another 78 people were wounded in the mid-afternoon blast in the north-western Shula district. Angry mourners attacked police who rushed to the scene, accusing them of failing to provide protection. The funeral attack comes after a series of bombings killed dozens of Shia pilgrims during their annual pilgrimage to the holy city of Karbala last week. A spate of bombings in the past month against pilgrims, police recruits and security forces across Iraq has killed more than 170 people. The recent rise in violence comes as the US military prepares to withdraw from the country at the end of the year. It poses a major challenge to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his fragile coalition government, formed only last month. The car that exploded at about 1400 local time (1100 GMT) on Thursday was parked near the funeral in the Shula area. Ali Kamil, a 22-year-old college student who lives nearby, told the AP news agency that he rushed to the scene and saw a fire still raging. Several cars in the area were damaged, he said.
He said young men were throwing stones at the Iraqi security forces, angry that they had failed to protect them. Other witnesses said police fired into the air to disperse the angry crowd, but then came under attack from gunmen and returned fire. It is unclear if anyone was hurt in the shooting. Finally, the military was sent in to restore order, they said. In other parts of the capital on Thursday, five people were killed and 21 wounded by roadside bomb attacks, while another bomb planted inside a minibus killed two people and wounded seven in the Jihad neighbourhood. Violance has declined sharply in Iraq since the height of the sectarian killings of 2006-2007, but near daily attacks continue.

#2- Warmer temperatures eased the clean-up in Washington DC, although schools there, in New York and in Canada's Maritime provinces were closed. Thousands of airline passengers were stranded and 400,000 homes lost power. As the storm moved north-east, the Maritime provinces on Thursday braced for as much as 30cm of snow in places. Two of America's largest airports - Newark, in New Jersey, and John F Kennedy, in New York City - were expected to re-open later on Thursday. Also in New York, city government offices were closed on Thursday."New York City almost never takes a snow day, but today is one of those rare days," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a statement. "People should stay at home and off the roads. There are extensive service delays on mass transit, including a suspension of all bus services."
Washington DC's legions of federal government workers were allowed to come into the office up to two hours late - or to take unscheduled holiday, or work from home. On Wednesday night, US President Barack Obama's return to the White House from a trip to Wisconsin was affected after the weather grounded the helicopter that typically takes him into the capital from the military base where his Air Force One aircraft lands. Mr Obama was met by his motorcade which spent an hour weaving through stalled rush-hour traffic on a journey that normally takes about 20 minutes. Washington commuters who lacked secret service protection were forced to contend with snow-stranded public transport buses and abandoned cars.
"My neighborhood was spooky, no lights, no power but down trees and powerlines," local ABC television journalist Gail Pennybacker reported after her typically 75-minute commute lasted seven hours.

#3- Germany is the third-biggest donor to the UN-backed fund, which has an annual budget of more than $20bn (£12bn). Media reports speculate that billions of dollars may have been siphoned off. But the Fund said the sums concerned were far smaller and it had "one of the most intensive investigation regimes of any international organisation". It says the misuse was discovered by its own investigative unit. It says $34m of misappropriated or unsubstantiated funds have been demanded back as a result. A spokesman told the BBC some of the original reporting on the story had been "sloppy" and was based on information which the Fund had not tried to keep secret but had voluntarily released over the past 15 months. The Global Fund is the biggest single source of money to tackle the three big killer diseases. The allegations of corruption were raised in reports by The Associated Press (AP) news agency.

Assignment#11- Part1
#1- What can make the difference between receiving a potentially lifesaving surgery or not?
For Vietnam veteran Ronald Flanagan, Ceridian Cobra Services determined it's 2 cents.Flanagan has multiple myeloma cancer of the bone marrow, which he has been fighting since September 2008. He now needs a third stem cell transplant surgery but had lost his health coverage over a 2 cent error. Ceridian Cobra Services, an insurance benefits administrator, dropped Ron Flanagan after his wife, Frances Flanagan, said she mistakenly substituted a 7 for a 9 when she paid their monthly health insurance premium of $328.69 online. If I only had just hit the 9 instead of the 7," Frances Flanagan told ABC News' Denver affiliate, KMGH-TV. "Everybody we talk to is very surprised that 2 cents is enough to do this."
And as of today, what 2 cents was able to undo, ABC News was able to help redo. When ABC News called Ceridian to comment on the story the company delivered unexpected news.
"We've reviewed the situation thoroughly," said Bart Valdez, Chief Commercial Officer for Ceridian. "And we're pleased to say...Mr. Flannigan's insurance coverage was reinstated."

#2- Taco Bell President Greg Creed has responded to a California woman's "beef" about his company's taco meat filling, calling her class action "bogus and filled with completely inaccurate facts." "There is no basis in fact or reality for this suite, and we will vigorously defend the quality of our products from frivolous and misleading claims such as this," Creed said in a statement on the company's website. The lawsuit, filed Jan. 19 by the California law firm Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles on behalf of Amanda Obney, claims Taco Bell's beef filling in 65 percent binders, extenders, preservatives, additives and other agents, and wants Taco Bell to stop calling it "beef." Our seasoned beef recipe contains 88 percent quality USDA-inspected beef and 12 percent seasonings, spices, water and other ingredients that provide taste, texture and moisture," Creed said. "The lawyers got their facts wrong. We take this attack on our quality very seriously and plan to take legal action against them for making false statements about our products." Creed said Taco Bell uses a proprietary recipe to give its seasoned beef flavor and texture -- "just like you would with any recipe you cook at home." The final product, he said, contains 3 to 5 percent water for moisture, 3 to 5 percent spices, and 3 to 5 percent oats, starch, sugar, yeast, citric acid, and other ingredients you'd find at home or in the supermarket. "Our seasoned beef contains no 'extenders' to add volume, as some might use," Creed said. The full list of ingredients is posted on the Taco Bell website.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Assignment#8/3 Websites

#1-JVC PC-55 Ltd

#2-The Super Woofer
#3-Conion C100-FXL
Sony Boodo Khan 3
JVC RC-M100 Full

   This website is about boomboxes(obviously). It has everything that a person would need to know about boomboxes. They even have boomboxes for sale. This website even has news on the new different types of boomboxes.


racecar21 is an awesome website! These sandwiches are creative very creative, inspiring, and scrumptious. This website is not difficult to navigate at all. There are a list of  sandwiches to the right that you are able to scroll through. You can also type a comment or read other's comments. I think that this website is very enjoyable.

Assignment#9-Your Person/Topic

Maya Angelou

  Maya Angelou was born on April 28, 1928. She is an American autobiographer and poet. She is best known for her series of six autobiographical volumes, which focus on her childhood and early adult experiences. Marguerite Johnson was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on April 4, 1928. Her father, Bailey Johnson, was a doorman and navy dietitian. Her mother, Vivian (Baxter) Johnson, was a real estate agent, trained surgical nurse, and later a merchant marine. older brother, Bailey Jr., nicknamed Marguerite "Maya", shortened from "my-a-sister".

   When I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings  was published in 1969, Angelou was hailed as a new kind of memoirist, one of the first African American women who was able to publicly discuss her personal life. Up to that point, black female writers were marginalized to the point that they were unable to present themselves as central characters. Maya Angelou is one of the most honored writers of her generation. She has been awarded over thirty honorary degrees. Maya is now eighty-two years old and doing good.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


#1-Toy Photography   #2- Toy Photography
#3-Toy Photography
#4-Toy Photography
#5-Toy Photography
#6-Toy Photography
#7-Toy Photography
#8-Toy Photography
#9-Toy Photography
#10-Toy Photography

   This website is full of cool, yet disturbing, pictures. All you have to do is type in the website and scroll. This website is really easy and not difficult to operate. If you want to find some photos that will make you laugh, visit this website. The photoargus can be very helpful when looking for creative pictures.

Part 2
Mammal-Observation of Hedgehog / Erinaceus europaeus, Mammals
Bird-Observation of Harris Hawk / Parabuteo unicinctus, Birds
Fish-Observation of Bass / Dicentrarchus labrax, Fish
Plant-Observation of philodendron, Plants

   This is a very useful and dependible website. All you have to do is type in what you are looking for in the search box and press go. It will give you much information and photos. If you ever have a report to work on, this website is your friend. iSpot is resourceful and easy to access.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog Assignment #3/Lion's Club Article

  "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." -Henry Ford
   The Harlem Globetrotters are performing at the the Baton Rouge River Center. They will be performing on Friday, February 11, 2011. This exciting event will be an amazing opportunity to see some of the best and highly skilled basketball players of our time. You can purchase your tickets online or at the River Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The time to get there is 7:00pm. These professional performers have dunked their way into the hearts of basketball fans everywhere.
   Red is the most commonly given color of roses. Red signifies love and passion. True red is the rose for lovers. Fiery red roses signify passion, while cardinal red symbolizes desire. Fully bloomed red roses best convey the message “I still love you,” while red rose buds are a way to express love for the first time.
   Yellow roses once meant jealousy, but today the yellow rose signifies friendship, familiar love, and domestic happiness. Yellow roses can also be an appropriate sentiment to express sympathy.
   Pink roses signify elegance, gentility, and poetic romance, without the seriousness signified by red. Pink roses are more light-hearted than red and can signify mere admiration or sweetness of thought. Light pink roses can signify both sympathy and friendship, while dark pink is symbolic of appreciation and thankfulness. A mixture of pink and red roses signifies a romantic relationship.
   White roses are sometimes called the “flower of light” and are the bride’s roses. They symbolize unity, sincerity, loyalty, purity, and a love stronger than death. White roses can be mixed with red to emphasize the meaning of love, while white rose buds are an appropriate gift to a young girl from her father.
   Purple roses represent majestic glory and can symbolize eternal love, while lavender or lilac roses signify love at first sight or the beginning of true feelings. Purple roses are appropriate for wedding anniversaries beyond 25 years and as memorial flowers for a lost spouse. Deep purple roses should be reserved for intimate situations.
Black roses are symbolic of death. Many people view black roses as an omen, but they can signify change or rejuvenation on the horizon, as some rose buds appear black but then bloom into crimson red. The meaning of black roses may not be understood or well received as a gift, so you should avoid this color if you are at all unsure of the recipient’s beliefs.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


   My smilebox is about sports. I enjoy sports, so I decided to make a smilebox about sports. My pictures include some cheerleaders, football, basketball, and baseball teams. Sports are fun and exciting. They are also good exercise. Many people enjoy sports, so I think that it apeals to them.
   The teams I put on my smilebox are awesome. They are LSU, SU, the Saints, and many other teams. I love to watch all of these teams play. My smilebox is outdoorsy looking and fun. I hope you like it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


#12 hydrogen 1 oxygen [EXPLORED frontpage] by D. Marfil
   This image, I think, is very cool. It is a picture of a drop of water. I like the color of the water. I also like the way the water looks when the water drop hits the water. This photograph is very interesting to look at. I Love this photo. 
#2Fading Light by Didenze  
   This is a beautiful picture of the sun fading out of the sky behind a beach. I love the beach and enjoy it, so that is one of the reasons that I like it. The sky is a wondewrful shade of a kind of blue-gray. I like the way that the water is distant in the photograph. I would love to have a picture like this hanging on my wall in my room.
#3Music to my eyes by Jean Knowles
   This is a picture of the sunset reflected in a body of water. The way the the water reflects that beautiful sunset perfectly is remarkable. I love the fact that you could turn this photograph upside down and it would look exactly the same. The color of  the sky is really pretty. I would love to live where the sunset always looked like that.
#4Eastern Imperial Eagle (juvenile) by M V Shreeram
   This is a interesting picture of a juvenille eagle sitting on a tree branch. I love animals,including birds. I myself enjoy taking photographs of animals with my camera. The way that the eagle is not exactly facing the camera. It looks like the eagle is looking off into the distance. I admire this photograph.
#5river lark by Cate ...
   This is a picture of a river with different ducks in it and fog. I think this photograph is kind of strange, yet neat. I like the ducks. They are cute. The fog gives the picture the element of mystery. The colors are dark.
#6Sacred Sunrise by J Kappely
   This is a beautiful picture of a small right in front of the setting sun. I think that this photograph is very amazing. I like the way that the sun is directly behind the bird. The sun is beautiful too. It is an orange-red color, which looks amazing in the sky.
#7Fence and Light by Mark LJ
   This is a interesting picture of a kind of forest with a fence near by. The light is fading out of the sky. The trees are very pretty. My favorite part about this picture is the SNOW! I love SNOW! This is a very awesome photograph.
#8El toll blau by Salva Moya
   This is a lovely photograph of some waterfalls and crystal blue water. That is paradise! I wish that I could live there. That is what I love about it. It is so green too. It looks like it should be on a postcard.
#9And Then.....There She was Again by MADdOG PHOTOGRAPHY
   This picture is gorgeous! I think that the colors are amazing. I love the way the water looks like foam. I also love the beach. This is absolutly one of my favorite pictures.
#10Frosty Robin (Explored) by glendel1
   This is a delightful picture of a robin in a tree. Robins are one of my favorite birds. It is obviously winter. I like the way the robin's fluffy red chest looks around all of that white. That is a very cute and funny picture. I love Robins
#11Storm by Kees Smans
   This photograph is really cool. It is a picture of a bridge in front of rays of light. I love it when clouds do not completly block the rays of the sun. It makes for a beautiful picture. The way the rays of light are more of the background make it gorgeous too.
#12hoher kasten 5 by riisli
   This is a picture of some stunning mountains surrounded by fog and clouds. I have always wanted to hike up a mountain;therefore, I am always amazed by those remarkable mountains. The deep blue of the farther mountains is beautiful. I hope that one day I can visit those lovely mountains.
#13female cardinal in cherry tree by jaki good
   The cardinal in this photograph is a female. The males are brightly colored. I love the color of her beak. It is a red-orange type of color. I like the way the bird is centered in this picture. It is a perfect photograph.
#143 by Guðjón Ottó
   This is a neat picture of another sunset. I love sunsets. The bright colors along with the dark colors are lovely. My favorite part is all the different colors. This one of my favorites (the last one, 15, is my favorite).
#15Rab's {Explored fp} by Paisley patches
   This picture is definately my favorite. I absolutly adore dogs. I love mutts especially. This one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen. It looks like it may have some terrier in it. Terriers are some of the cutest dogs too.


#1-Drug Suspect Shot to Death
   An officer shot and killed a suspected drug dealer in a motel Wednesday evening during an undercover drug operation.

#2-Testimony on Attacks Allowed in Slaying Trial
   A judge paved the way Monday for prostecutors to use suspected serial killer Jeffrey Lee Guillory's arrest in the 1999 slaying of a Baton Rouge woman, and his conviction in the 2007 attempted murder of Laffeyette woman, at his May 9 trial in the 2002 killing of another Baton Rouge woman.

#3-Livingston Sheriff Won't Seek Re-election
   Livingston Parish Sheriff Willie Graves announced Wednesday that he will not seek a fifth term this fall. Graves said he intends to serve the remainder of his term, which ends June 30, 2012
#4-Husband Accussed in Murder try
   Authorities had to use floor jacks to lift a vehicle off a woman who was run over by her estranged husband Tuesday night, the Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office reported Wednesday.

#5-Miles: Loyalty won
   It wasn’t the offer of more money that made Les Miles choose to stay at LSU over returning to Michigan. In the end, it was something Miles said held a lot of value for him: Loyalty.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Assighnment #2-happy news

   The new dentist drill that makes no noise is definately happy news. The noise that a dentist drill makes can often cause anxiety, displeasure, or annoyance. This new device controls the sound waves and removes them. This new device is not yet available to other dentists, but it will soon be brought to the market. It will be inexpensive for dentists to buy. This drill will also solve the common fear of dentist. I believe that this drill is the device that people will love everywhere.
   Scientist have found a new tool that will help save our planet. This new, igloo-shaped device is not only a waste absorbing machine, but is also inexpensive. This new device, nicknamed "Poo-Gloos", can clean up sewage just as affectively as multimllion-dollar treatment facilities. These new devices are also known as and will be sold under the name Bio-Domes. These Bio-Domes will help clean up our planet. the Bio-Domes have been tested and are aproved. This device is happy news.

assighnment #2-dictionary

Ten Words and Definitions
1.  Panacea: A cure-all.
2.  Constitutional: A walk taken for one's health.
3.  Tortuous: Marked by repeated turns and bends.
4.  Enjoin: To direct or impose with authority; also to forbid.
5.  Atelier: A workshop; a studio.
6.  Penchant: A strong liking.
7.  Frangible: Capable of being broken; easily broken.
8.  Pallid: Pale; faint or deficient in color; wan.
9.  Accord: Agreement; harmony.
10.  Rapacious: Grasping; greedy.

Blog Asingment #2 "Puns"

Ten Puns
1.  When he proposed to her, she found it very engaging.
2.  The novel about a musician in treble was a real clef-hanger.
3.  Stir-fry cooks come from all woks of life.
4.  He was a nuclear physicists for a half-life.
5.  The satelite went into orbit on January 1st causing a new year's revolution.
6.  A circus truck driver refuses to tow the lion.
7.  The ex-lumberjack will be sawly missed.
8.  Those who change the color of their food are on a dye-it.
9.  Mirrors can serve many useful purposes, on reflection.
10.  Getting into the skunk selling business might make a lot of scents.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Assignment #1/Autobiography

     My name is Kayla Keller. I was born on July 16, 1998. I was born at Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge. I first lived in Baker, Louisiana with my mom, Coleen, my dad, Greg, and my two older brothers,Jeremy and Justin. After a year in Baker, we my parents decided to move to Ethel, Louisiana. The name of our street was Dobrowoiski Ln.                                                                                                              
    When I was three years old, I finally got a little sister named Krista. But I was disapointed when instead of going to our house, we moved to a hotel. Our house had mold in it and had to be fixed. Our insurance company messed everything up. We eventually had to tear down our house when I was eight and a half years old. I was able to help tear down the small parts of the house. We lived in many different rent houses until the house was finally finished. I was nine years old when we got to move in. We moved in on February 17, 2008. My little sister had never lived in the house before, and she enjoyed it.                                              
    I am now in seventh grade and I am attending Bethany Christian School. I have two dogs named Dottye and Daisy. I also have a cockateil named Tommy. I still live in Ethel, Louisiana. My parents own Rose's Florist and I.H. Tax Service. My brother, Jeremy, is thirty and is on the S.W.A.T. team. My other brother, Justin, is twenty-two and works at a chemical plant.
   I enjoy playing basketball with my sister. I also enjoy playing with my pets. I like to read and draw in my spare time. I used to play the piano, but it cost to much. I love to be outside and enjoy the outdoors with my dad. I also like to help my mom cook. I love it when we go to my maw maw's house in Gonzales. When I go to my granpa's house, I loveto explore his lovely home.
   When I grow up, I want to do something involving animals. I plan to attend Louisiana State University. I may become a veteranarian or something like that. I hope that when I grow up, I will enjoy my job and may be very good at it.