Thursday, January 20, 2011


#1-Toy Photography   #2- Toy Photography
#3-Toy Photography
#4-Toy Photography
#5-Toy Photography
#6-Toy Photography
#7-Toy Photography
#8-Toy Photography
#9-Toy Photography
#10-Toy Photography

   This website is full of cool, yet disturbing, pictures. All you have to do is type in the website and scroll. This website is really easy and not difficult to operate. If you want to find some photos that will make you laugh, visit this website. The photoargus can be very helpful when looking for creative pictures.

Part 2
Mammal-Observation of Hedgehog / Erinaceus europaeus, Mammals
Bird-Observation of Harris Hawk / Parabuteo unicinctus, Birds
Fish-Observation of Bass / Dicentrarchus labrax, Fish
Plant-Observation of philodendron, Plants

   This is a very useful and dependible website. All you have to do is type in what you are looking for in the search box and press go. It will give you much information and photos. If you ever have a report to work on, this website is your friend. iSpot is resourceful and easy to access.

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