Monday, January 10, 2011

Assighnment #2-happy news

   The new dentist drill that makes no noise is definately happy news. The noise that a dentist drill makes can often cause anxiety, displeasure, or annoyance. This new device controls the sound waves and removes them. This new device is not yet available to other dentists, but it will soon be brought to the market. It will be inexpensive for dentists to buy. This drill will also solve the common fear of dentist. I believe that this drill is the device that people will love everywhere.
   Scientist have found a new tool that will help save our planet. This new, igloo-shaped device is not only a waste absorbing machine, but is also inexpensive. This new device, nicknamed "Poo-Gloos", can clean up sewage just as affectively as multimllion-dollar treatment facilities. These new devices are also known as and will be sold under the name Bio-Domes. These Bio-Domes will help clean up our planet. the Bio-Domes have been tested and are aproved. This device is happy news.

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