Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Assignment #1/Autobiography

     My name is Kayla Keller. I was born on July 16, 1998. I was born at Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge. I first lived in Baker, Louisiana with my mom, Coleen, my dad, Greg, and my two older brothers,Jeremy and Justin. After a year in Baker, we my parents decided to move to Ethel, Louisiana. The name of our street was Dobrowoiski Ln.                                                                                                              
    When I was three years old, I finally got a little sister named Krista. But I was disapointed when instead of going to our house, we moved to a hotel. Our house had mold in it and had to be fixed. Our insurance company messed everything up. We eventually had to tear down our house when I was eight and a half years old. I was able to help tear down the small parts of the house. We lived in many different rent houses until the house was finally finished. I was nine years old when we got to move in. We moved in on February 17, 2008. My little sister had never lived in the house before, and she enjoyed it.                                              
    I am now in seventh grade and I am attending Bethany Christian School. I have two dogs named Dottye and Daisy. I also have a cockateil named Tommy. I still live in Ethel, Louisiana. My parents own Rose's Florist and I.H. Tax Service. My brother, Jeremy, is thirty and is on the S.W.A.T. team. My other brother, Justin, is twenty-two and works at a chemical plant.
   I enjoy playing basketball with my sister. I also enjoy playing with my pets. I like to read and draw in my spare time. I used to play the piano, but it cost to much. I love to be outside and enjoy the outdoors with my dad. I also like to help my mom cook. I love it when we go to my maw maw's house in Gonzales. When I go to my granpa's house, I loveto explore his lovely home.
   When I grow up, I want to do something involving animals. I plan to attend Louisiana State University. I may become a veteranarian or something like that. I hope that when I grow up, I will enjoy my job and may be very good at it. 

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