Monday, January 10, 2011

Blog Asingment #2 "Puns"

Ten Puns
1.  When he proposed to her, she found it very engaging.
2.  The novel about a musician in treble was a real clef-hanger.
3.  Stir-fry cooks come from all woks of life.
4.  He was a nuclear physicists for a half-life.
5.  The satelite went into orbit on January 1st causing a new year's revolution.
6.  A circus truck driver refuses to tow the lion.
7.  The ex-lumberjack will be sawly missed.
8.  Those who change the color of their food are on a dye-it.
9.  Mirrors can serve many useful purposes, on reflection.
10.  Getting into the skunk selling business might make a lot of scents.

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