Monday, March 28, 2011

blog assignment #35/My Weekend


   My weekend was pretty awesome. On Friday I slept over at my Aunt Sandy's house. The next day(Saturday), Aunt Sandy, my sister, Krista, and I went to LSU to walk in the heart walk. We all wore matching shirts. The shirt, on the back, had a strong, animated heart on a treadmill. Inside the heart was my one month old cousin Aidan's name. He had some heart troubles when he was born so we were walking for him. It was a tough three miles, but we made it.
   Saturday afternoon, my sister and I stayed with my mom at the tax office and rested while she did her tax preparation stuff. We also did our homework. When we got home we ate dinner and conked out on the bed.
That morning(Sunday), Mom had so much work to do that she had to go to the office really early. Dad also had some serious yardwork to do, so we stayed home.
   But instead of chilling, we had to do tons of chores. Mom made Krista and I a list of things to do. I had to vacuum the kitchen, the hallway, and the laundry room. I also had to cook lunch(fish sticks. yum!), do the laundry, and clean up my room. Krista had to vacuum the living room and her room. She also cleaned her room and, well, she did not have any homework(boohoo).
   After we did all of our chores, we jumped on the trampoline for about fourty-five minutes. It was pretty fun. When Mom came home, I helped her make dinner. We made chicken and dumplings. Dad said that it was good. I am actually eating some for lunch today. I cannot wait!

10 goals I will accomplish by the end of the school year
#1-I will have terrific grades
#2-I will have enjoyed the friends that will no longer attend BCS
#3-I will have saved up all my money
#4-I will continue saving
#5-I will have more friends than last year
#6-I will attend church on a weekly basis
#7-I will get a certificate for school
#8-I will be closer with my parents
#9-I will be close to my sister
#10-I will visit my brothers

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