Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog 52/Final 2011/Salvation-The Greatest Story Ever Told

Salvation-The Greatest Story Ever Told
   The Salvation story starts with the creation of the universe. God created man in that universe. Adam and Eve were his two creations. When they disobeyed, they needed salvation. between then and the end, man has been either following God or not. The ones who obeyed needed to get to Heaven.
   So God sent his only son, Jesus to earth to save mankind. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He slept in a manger. First, Jesus preached to the people. Then, He healed the poor or sick. Finally, He died on the cross for our sins. After that, we can all make it to Heaven if we are in Christ Jesus.
   And for those who are not, they will be left on the earth after the rapture. Then they must repent to go to Heaven. Those who do not go to hell. Then, the people in Heaven will go to the new earth God will build and stay there for eternity, worshiping God.

Blog #44 / The BBC

Rescue Efforts Continue After Lethal US Storms
   More than 60 tornadoes ripped through North Carolina, killing 21, the highest toll for any of the states affected. Governor Beverly Perdue said on the NBC network's Today show that she had never seen anything like the devastation. She said homes in the state had been handled like paper dolls' houses."The good news is that the tornadoes have left and things are brighter today in North Carolina," Ms Perdue said, adding that federal officials were beginning their damage assessments. I believe that all of the US should take extra precautions to be prepared for these types of catastrophies.

British military officers to be sent to Libya
   British military officers will be sent to Libya to advise rebels fighting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's forces, the UK government has said. Rebel fighters say that they have made gains Misrata. Ten officers will provide logistics and intelligence training in a UK and French operation. The officers will be wearing civilian clothing, not uniforms, but are likely to carry sidearms. I believe that it is great that they are

Blog Assignment #46 / Chicago Sun Times

U.S.: DNA Confirms Death of Osama bin Laden
   Osama bin Laden, the face of global terrorism and architect of the September 11, 2001 attacks, was killed in a firefight with elite American forces Monday, then quickly buried at sea in a stunning finale to a furtive decade on the run. He was thought to be hiding in caves, but was found in a custom-built hideout not far from a Pakistani military academy. Many people are celebrating in their houses and in the streets. Threee others were killed in the fight, but none of the US. President Barrack Obama announced bin Laden's death at the White House and has said that justice was made.

Prince William and Kate Stall Honeymoon to Throw off Paparazzi
    Prince William and his new bride, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, pulled a fast one on the world’s media. The couple has decided to postpone the honeymoon until they can slip away. They wanted some privacy, for they know that they will be surrounded by paparazzi the rest of their lives. They have not said where they will go.

Blog #47 / The Times Picayune-NO

Record 226 Tornadoes in 24 Hours Last Week

    It is said that there were more tornadoes on that day than any other day in history! There were 312 outbreaks last week, including 226 tornadoes in one day. A new record! Although its not exactly a record one would like to have, it is still a record. The older record was 148 in 1974. It was a deadly twenty-four hours that killed many.

Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. in Pakistan
    Osama bin Laden was killed after hiding out as the most wanted terrorists for a decade. He was known for planning the 9/11 plane crash into two buildings, killing many American people. President Barack Obama states that justice has been done. A small team of Americans killed bin Laden and three others in a firefight. This event took place on Sunday. An excited crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death after a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade.

At New Orleans Jazz Fest, 'It's All About the Food'

    At this Jazz Fest, the chefs plan on serving fourteen thousand crab cakes! That is an abundant amout of crab cakes, enough to feed an army. First, they'll put flour and then an egg wash on each one and cover it with Panco, the airy Japanese bread crumbs that give the spicy dish an extra crunch. Then they'll deep-fry them at 350 degrees for a couple of minutes and serve them with smoked-tomato and jalapeno tartar sauce. Chefs say that they won't be able to look at another crab cake for months!



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blog 52 - Final 2010/Best-selling Books

The Percy Jackson Series: The Lightning Thief
   These books are very interesting, and are some of my favorites! This series is about a young boy named Perseus 'Percy'  Jackson, who is dyslexic, has ADHD, and has been kicked out of every school he's ever attended. He has never even met his father and his mom is married to a pig. Percy's stepdad, Gabe, is mean and demanding with his poker games. But that will all change.
   Percy always knew that his friend, Grover Underwood, was a little strange. He was in sixth grade and had a terrible case of acne, a goatee, and had something wrong with his legs, but the next day he was a satyr! But when his math teacher tuns into a old hag with fangs and claws and tries to kill him, he knows something's up.
   It turns out that he is a demigod. Half Greek god and half human. Percy Goes to Camp Half-Blood, a camp for demigods to train. When he arrives, he learns that he is a halfblood. In the other books, Percy and his friends go on quests and save the world. To find out what happens, read the books! I highly reccommend them.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blog 52 - Final 2010/Time Magazine

Memphis Watching Rising Mississippi River
   As the Mississippi is rising, people question whether Memphis is prepered for it. The Mayor says that they are ready for it. They expected it to start rising in late Monday. Now they say it will be earlier than expected. They say it could crest as soon as Monday night at or near 48 feet. They have been abandoning homes that will most likely be affected by the situation.
   The Mississippi has swamped houses in Memphis and may  consume even more.  Because God is good, the river has gone up slowly enough so that the people could evacuate their homes. !,300 homes were told to go for safety. Thank God they did! Some spectators came to watch the water rise up.
   Thanks to God, the rising was predicted and no one got killed. God helped thrm prepare and protected the live of the people. The river already reached record points in some areas. It could have been devastating. But God took care of His people. This again shows God's mercy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog #45 / The LA Times

Tagging Outside an L.A. Street Art Exhibit Fuels Debate

   The Museum of Contemporary Art expected to make some waves when it launched "Art in the Streets," billed as the first major U.S. museum survey exhibition on graffiti and street art. In a city considered one of the birthplaces of street art, the exhibit at the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA has intensified an already fierce debate about whether something that is illegal can also have artistic value. To fans, it's a welcome recognition of an urban artist style that is evolving from street vandalism into something more. "It's exciting to have some of the most vibrant street art in the world happening in Los Angeles," Greg Linton, an arts blogger who documents street art in L.A., said of the exhibit. "It's what makes these urban areas so special." I believe that it is a pretty neat and interesting event.

Alleged West L.A. Burglar Suspected in Hollywood Temple    Fire

   Los Angeles police have arrested a man in a West Los Angeles burglary who they believe is responsible for a fire and burglary at a prominent Hollywood synagogue. Dmitriy Sheyko, 21, a transient known to frequent the Hollywood area, is suspected of breaking into Temple Israel in the 7300 block of Hollywood Boulevard on April 14 and a nearby grocery store. Sheyko, who police said has a criminal record, was arrested Monday in connection with a burglary in West Los Angeles. I think it is a shame that people do things like that.

2 Afghan Soldiers Killed in Assassination Attempt

   An insurgent dressed as an Afghan soldier opened fire Monday inside the Defense Ministry, killing two soldiers in an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Afghan and French defense ministers. The attacker, who was also armed with explosives, struck the ministry before noon, ahead of a joint news conference the ministers had scheduled. He was shot and killed by Afghan soldiers before he could detonate his explosives. It is a shame that all of this killing is going on.

3 Western Powers Sending Military Advisors to Libya

   In the wake of a plea for help from besieged rebels in the Libyan city of Misurata, three Western powers have announced that they will send military advisors and one said Wednesday that it would step up airstrikes against Moammar Kadafi's military. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa said 10 military instructors would be sent and details were being worked out. He spoke Wednesday after meeting with his British counterpart, Liam Fox. France and Britain had announced earlier that they would send military officers to Libya to help rebel forces organize and bolster the NATO air campaign that has failed to rout Kadafi's military. It is great that they are willing to help those people.

Angels' Youth Serves With Distinction in 15-4 Win Over Texas

   You can blame it on injuries, credit it to talent or split the difference and say both had something to do with it, but whatever the reasons, Angels Manager Mike Scioscia has grown comfortable with a lineup that includes rookies at catcher and first base, a center fielder who came into the season with just 62 days of big league experience and a closer who hadn't pitched in relief until last April. "There's a lot of youth on that field," Scioscia said. "The bottom line is not to look at the number next to that experience column. It's what can a player do now. When you see talent … you'll go with it." That is great news for the team. YAY!!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

blog assignment #19/Tony Curtis & John Wayne

Tony Curtis
   Tony Curtis was born on June 3, 1925 and was an American film actor. He was born Bernard Schwartz in Bronx, New York. His Parents were Hungarian Jewish immigrants and his only language was his only language was Hungarian until he was five or six. Curtis's uncredited screen debut came in Criss Cross playing a rumba dancer. He also starred in Houdini.
   Tony Curtis was married five times. His first wife was actress Janet Leigh, with whom he fathered Kelly and Jamie Lee Curtis and then divorced. He also married Christine Kauffman, Leslie Allen, Lisa Deutsch, and Jill Vandenberg.  He had six children total with all of his wives. Tony Curtis died on September 29, 2010 at the age of 85 when he went into cardiac arrest. He know rests in peace.

John Wayne
   John Wayne was born on May 26, 1907 in Winterset, Iowa by the name of Marion Robert Morrison. His middle name was soon changed because his parents decided to name their second son Robert

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BA #33/Foreign News


   Higher than normal levels of radiation in tap water have led to a shortage of bottled water in Tokyo and thousands of people in Japan's northeast remained without access to drinking water. Also, electricity has not been restored to at least 200,000 homes. As the worry over water peaked, the government on Thursday said the number of people confirmed dead or listed as missing topped 26,000, 13 days after the twin disasters of earthquake and tsunami hit the country. The National Police Agency put the number of people confirmed to have been killed at 9,700, with a further 16,501 listed as missing. A total of 2,766 people have been listed as injured and more than 350,000 people are homeless. Radiation levels above safety norms for infants were found in the water purification system in Kawaguchi, Saitama prefecture, adjacent to Tokyo.
On Thursday, Russia, Australia, Canada, the Phillipines and Singapore became the latest countries to restrict Japanese food imports.


   A French fighter jet has reportedly attacked and destroyed a Libyan plane identified as a trainer aircraft near Misurata, a US official has said. The AP news agency cited an official as saying the Libyan plane may have been landing when it was attacked by a French Rafael fighter jet enforcing the UN-backed no-fly zone over Libya on Thursday. The incident is still under investigation. In a separate development, French fighter jets also struck an air base deep inside Libya, while NATO ships patrolled the coast to block arms and mercenaries entering the country.Coalition bombers also struck artillery, arms depots and parked helicopters on Thursday. However the coalition bombardment has  failed to stop Gaddafi's forces from shelling opposition held towns. Government tanks are closing in on Misurata hospital and shelling the area.


   At least eight Palestinians, including children, have been killed in mortar attacks and airstrikes in the Gaza Strip. The deaths occurred in two separate attacks on the eastern part of Gaza City on Tuesday, witnesses said.Two of the dead were aged 11 and 16, and four of them were from the al-Quds Brigade, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, a spokesman for the group said. Four people died when a shell slammed into a family home  in Shejaiya, medical sources told AFP news agency. Several hours later, another four were killed - all of them fighters - in an air raid in the nearby Zeitun neighbourhood on Tuesday.





In his message for Friday's March 25 national holiday, President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias said that "in the present era, the main characteristic of which is the economic crisis, a comparable unanimity and vigilance is mandatory in order for a creative response to be given to the existing challenges and difficulties we have ahead of us."Despite the adverse conditions arising both at national and international level, we do not forget that only united can we make the impossible feasible." Addressing the country's "ambassadors abroad", as he called the overseas Greeks, Papoulias stressed that they are the bridge between the homeland and the countries in which they live, work and progress.
   "Greece is ready to undertake diplomatic initiatives leading to the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 for a peaceful solution to the problem of Libya that will satisfy all political forces in the country and avert greater military action in the region," Alternate Defence Minister Panos Beglitis on Tuesday stressed. Speaking in an Athens private radio, he said that as regards the Greek participation "our country's and our government's position is very clear. We respect international law and we defend the UN decisions and our relations with our allies and partners". Government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis on Tuesday stressed that Greece's role in Libya will only be supportive in nature as dictated by international conventions and underlined that Greece is in favour of peaceful solutions through the diplomatic route.
   Olympiakos clinched its 38th Greek league championship on Sunday by thrashing Aek 6-0 after scoring three goals in each half in front of a delirious home crowd of 33,000. Rafik Djebbour, who joined Olympiakos from Aek in January after falling out with coach Manolo Jimenez, scored twice with Olof Mellberg, David Fuster, Kevin Mirallas and Iosif Holebas adding a goal apiece in Olympiakos' biggest victory of the season. The victory also matched Olympiakos' biggest margin against AEK, set 30 years ago. 

BA #29/Facebook

   Facebook is a social networking service, which started on February of 2004. Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mark, in 2003, made Facemash, which was the predecessor to Facebook. Mark hacked into the protected areas of Harvards computer network and copied the houses' private dormitory ID images. Facemash attracted 450 visitors in its first four hours online!
   Mark was charged with violation of copyrights and property, but the charges were dropped. Then, Mark decided to make a new website for notes in different classes for all of Harvard to see. Harvard was okay with it. Then he launched, but the elders of Harvard accussed him of misleading them, and being a member of thefacebook was forbidden at Harvard. Soon, more people helped to benefit and support the website and was eventually running smoothly.
   Most of Facebooks revenue comes from advertising. Users can do many things with their facebook, including post their photos, contact information, and even their information. They can even choose the information that viewers can see and what they cannot see. Facebook is free to users any where you would like. People often compare facebook to myspace, but there are more people on facebook than those that are on myspace. In 2006, viewers were able to have a news feed.
   Facebook is beneficial in many ways. It is a way to communicate to other people. It can tell a person when another persons birthday is. Also, it may inform you of other special occasions, such as an anniversary or holiday. It can be very beneficial for communication too.
   There are some ways that facebook can be harmful. You could be tracked down. You could also be abused on the website. You need to be very careful when on this website.

Blog Assignment #40-41 / Lion's Cub Articles

50 article ideas

#1-top books for teens
#2-top movies for teens
#4-on the upcoming holiday
#5-weather disasters
#8-upcoming events
#10-school events
#13-presidential events
#14-music concerts
***#15-vacation hot spots***
#16-top laptops
#17-top phones
#18-top cars
#19-go green
#20-nobel winners
#21-top resteraunts in ....(BR)
#23-top websites for teens
#24-top tv shows
#25-top hotels
#26-best ways to travel
#27-feature animal stories
#28-driving dos and don'ts
#29-tongue twisters
#30-top uses for communication
***#31-fun games to play during spare time***
#32-top video games
#33-top arcade games
#34-texting dos and don'ts
#35-facebook article
#36-yahoo article
#37-favorite method of transportation
#38-fast food:yes or no?
***#39-what alchohol can do***
#40-best dressed
#41-deaths of famous people
#42-favorite cakes
#43-favorite fairy tales
#44-favorite sports
#45-favorite sandwich
#46-X-Box connect article
#47-favorite presidents in history
#48-mystery student/teacher
#49-favorite icecream
#50-favorite beverage

Vacation Hot Spots
   Hawaii is a great vacation spot. Hawaii’s climate is typical for the tropics, although temperatures and humidity tend to be a bit less extreme due to near-constant trade winds from the east. Summer highs are usually in the upper 80s °F, (around 31°C) during the day and mid 70s, (around 24 °C) at night.The State of Hawaii has two official languages recognized in its 1978 constitution: English and Hawaiian. The aboriginal culture of Hawaii is Polynesian. Hawaii has beautiful beaches and will keep you relaxed.
   Puerto Rico is another tourist destination. Puerto Rico's nickname is "the Island of Enchantment." Puerto Rico offers the most challenging and exciting golf you can find in the Caribbean. In fact, the island is famous the world over for its high-end golf courses, some of which were designed by world-famous architects and golf professionals. The best snorkeling to be found while visiting Puerto Rico is off the southern shores of the island. The best scuba diving is on the East, South, and West coasts, which feature an extensive coral reef structure that is home to a wide variety of tropical fish species.
   Yellowstone National Park is America's first national park. It was established in 1872. Within the massive park boundaries, you can find mountains, rivers, lakes, and some of the most concentrated geothermal activity in the world. The park has 60% of the world’s geysers as well as many hot springs and several mud pots. Perhaps the most famous feature of the park is the geyser Old Faithful.
   Disney world is a popular tourist attraction. It is located in Orlando Florida. On April 22, 1998 Disney unleashed its newest theme park on the world in the form of Disney's Animal Kingdom. Whatever you do, don't call it a zoo (they get touchy about that word around Animal Kingdom). It has often been said that the true essence of Disney magic can be experienced simply by stepping foot inside the Magic Kingdom. Opened in 1971, the venerable theme park has withstood more than three decades of changing cultures, a constantly shifting social climate, and an explosion of technology that has left lesser places outdated and obsolete. Yet, somehow, the Magic Kingdom continues to remain the undisputed king of theme parks, drawing more yearly visitors than any other.


BA #39/Fav. Hobbies

   I enjoy reading. It is definately my favorite hobbie. Reading is good for your brain. All you have to do is pick up a book and read. Reading is something that you can do with spare time that will actually benefit your mind. It is a pretty awesome hobby.

   I absolutely love to draw. It is fun and exercises my brain by using up all of its creativity. I usually like to draw animated things, but I can do realistic ones too. All you have to do is pick up a pencil and let it flow on the paper. If you are good enough, you can even sell your drawings or become an illustrator
   I also like to take photographs. I enjoy looking at sunsets or sunrises, which make good photos. When you get older you could become a professional  photographer. You could get paid a whole bunch of many. It works out well.

   I enjoy playing basketball. It is fun and good exercise. You have to be coordinated and in good shape. It is a fun way to excercise and have fun. They have college and high school teams along with the NBA and the WNBA.
#5-Horseback riding 
   I really love to go riding. It is calming and relaxing. It is fun to ride on trails and see all of the creatures and things on the trails. It helps you to think too. If you are competitive, you could do jumping, racing, or be in a rodeo. The possibilities are endless!

Samuel's favorite hobbies

Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team (the batting team) take turns hitting against the pitcher of the other team (the fielding team), which tries to stop them from scoring runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance via a teammate's hit or other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn at bat for each team constitutes an inning and nine innings make up a professional game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.

   Football is a popular sport.




Andrew's favorite hobbies


#2-Video gaming



#5- Basketball

Friday, April 1, 2011

BA #38/Fav. Books

#1-Percy Jackson Series
   These are my all time favorite books. My mother would fuss with me because I stayed up all night to read these books. It is about a young demigod, Perseus Jackson, son of Posiedon, and his journey through the real world and that of Greek mythology. His adventures will keep you on your toes. I highly reccomend them.

#2-Hunger Games Series
   I am a big fan of the Hunger Games series. I am on the last book right now. Just a couple of chapters left. This science fiction novel takes place a thousand years into the future, where North America is in ruins except for 12, used to be 13, Districts and the Capitol. When Katniss Everdeen winds up in the Hunger Games, a game where there will only be one victor left standing, her life is totally flipped around. These are some gripping books that will keep you awake.

#3-Watership Down
   Watership Down is a great book that I read in fifth grade. When a group of rabbits realize that their home is about to be destroyed by man, they make an effort to escape. While trying to find the perfect new home, they run into some trouble along the way. They will do whatever it takes to get to their home, Watership Down. It is a big book with nearly 500 pages and fifty chapters. I loved it.

#4-Heroes of Olympus
   Here is another favorite of mine. I am a big fan of Rick Riordan. When Jason, Piper, amd Leo are attacked by living wind storms, they know something is wierd. And Jason can't remember anything about anyone. And then their coach is half goat. This a wonderful sequel series to Percy Jackson.

#5-The Kane Chronicles
   This is a great book. It is about Carter and Sadie Kane and their adventures. Although, their adventures are filled with Egyptian myths. Unfortunately, they are not really myths. I love this book and cannot wait for the next one to come out.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

BA #37/Fav. Movies

#1- Spirit-Stallion of the Cimmeron
   This is definately my favorite movie. I first watched it at the movies with my Mimi, and I loved her too. It is a movie about a mustang, Spirit, who gets seperated from his herd and captured by white men. He becomes a bucking bronco that no one can tame. Spirit then escapes the white men and is again captured, but by his Indian friend. He meets their mare, with whom he falls in love. They then tame Spirit, only to be attacked by the white men. It is a classic about bonds and friendship. I hope you can watch this movie.
#2- Despicable Me
   I think that this is a funny movie. It is about an evil villian, Gru, who wants to steal the moon and become the baddest villian in the world. When he adopts three girls, Margo, Edith, and Agnes, his life is turned around. This movie is cute and hillarious.
#3- Secretariat
   I love this movie, but ut can get pretty sad. It is about Penny Tweedy whose parents horse farm is about to go out of buissness. She tries desperately to make the pay, but will not succeed if her horse, Secretariot, will not win the race. While that is going on, her family is in another state, waiting for Penny to come home. This movie is guarenteed to touch the depths of your heart.
#4- Monsters Inc.
   I used to love this movie as a little girl. It is about many monsters whose job is to scare kids. One day, Sulley, or Sullivan, is transformed when he meets a little girl whom he needs to scare. When he can't do it, Mike, his friend, can't change his mind. It is a sweet movie that will make you want to check your closet.
#5- Percy Jackson-The Lightning Thief
   I like this movie because I loved the book. It is about a dyslexic, ADHD boy, Percy, who finds out he's a demigod. Half god, half man. When they realize  that his father is Posiedon, his life is close to its end. Its a close movie that keeps you on the edge.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog assignment #36/ 5 Fav. Bands

   I enjoy listening to Christian music. This band is the ultimate for me. I like listening to their music. It is very awesome and makes me want to stand up. Deluge is definately one of my favorite bands.

#2-Chris Tomlin
   Chris Tomlin is another favorite of mine. He has talent and uses it wisely. I appreciate his works. His band makes true music. I love his voice when he is singing the lyrics.

#3-Toby Mac
   I like Toby Mac's music too. He has a great voice and a passion for music. I greatly enjoy his music. He is pretty cool. His band is talented.

#4-Steven Curtis Chapman
   I really love Steven Curtis Chapmen's music. His band is really great. The music is inspiring. I enjoy listening to 'Dive' and 'Cinderella.' I also like 'Meant to Be.'

#5-JJ Heller
   JJ Heller is very talented also. Her band can make really beautiful music. Her voice is cool and clear too. My favorite song from her is 'What Love Really Means.' I love her songs.

April Lion's Cub Article


   Here is a list of some of the best Easter candies- Robin eggs, chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, M&M's, jelly beans, peeps, and Reese's peanut butter eggs. I hope that you enjoy them this Easter!


Converse, Puma, Nike, Adidads, and Eastland shoes.

Monday, March 28, 2011

blog assignment #35/My Weekend


   My weekend was pretty awesome. On Friday I slept over at my Aunt Sandy's house. The next day(Saturday), Aunt Sandy, my sister, Krista, and I went to LSU to walk in the heart walk. We all wore matching shirts. The shirt, on the back, had a strong, animated heart on a treadmill. Inside the heart was my one month old cousin Aidan's name. He had some heart troubles when he was born so we were walking for him. It was a tough three miles, but we made it.
   Saturday afternoon, my sister and I stayed with my mom at the tax office and rested while she did her tax preparation stuff. We also did our homework. When we got home we ate dinner and conked out on the bed.
That morning(Sunday), Mom had so much work to do that she had to go to the office really early. Dad also had some serious yardwork to do, so we stayed home.
   But instead of chilling, we had to do tons of chores. Mom made Krista and I a list of things to do. I had to vacuum the kitchen, the hallway, and the laundry room. I also had to cook lunch(fish sticks. yum!), do the laundry, and clean up my room. Krista had to vacuum the living room and her room. She also cleaned her room and, well, she did not have any homework(boohoo).
   After we did all of our chores, we jumped on the trampoline for about fourty-five minutes. It was pretty fun. When Mom came home, I helped her make dinner. We made chicken and dumplings. Dad said that it was good. I am actually eating some for lunch today. I cannot wait!

10 goals I will accomplish by the end of the school year
#1-I will have terrific grades
#2-I will have enjoyed the friends that will no longer attend BCS
#3-I will have saved up all my money
#4-I will continue saving
#5-I will have more friends than last year
#6-I will attend church on a weekly basis
#7-I will get a certificate for school
#8-I will be closer with my parents
#9-I will be close to my sister
#10-I will visit my brothers

Friday, March 25, 2011

BA #34/National Geographic

New Hope for a Rare Bird in the Syrian Desert
   A few years back, Gianluca Serra found a legendary bird thought extinct in Syria, with funds from National Geographic's Committee for Research and Exploration. Now Serra, an IUCN specialist on northern bald ibis, is trying to forge a stable population of these ungainly creatures, with a little help from a prince and some first ladies. The rest of this article is Q&A's e.g.e...
Q: The northern bald ibis was considered extinct in Syria for more than 70 years, according to the scientific literature. Tell us about how this legendary bird was rediscovered -- and when and where?
We rediscovered the bald ibis on a remote cliff of the Syrian desert in April 2002, following clues from local hunters and Bedouin nomads as part of a general fauna survey of the area. The birds were the oriental subspecies of northern bald ibis, which had not been seen for many years.

Coldest Star Found—No Hotter Than Fresh Coffee
   Dubbed CFBDSIR 1458 10b, the star is what's called a brown dwarf. These oddball objects are often called failed stars, because they have starlike heat and chemical properties but don't have enough mass for the crush of gravity to ignite nuclear fusion at their cores.With surface temperatures hovering around 206 degrees F (97 degrees C), the newfound star is the coldest brown dwarf seen to date. Over the years there has been steady but slow progress in pushing the boundaries of finding the coldest stars, but with this latest discovery we have made a big leap forward—besting the previous record holder by at least 150 Kelvin [270 degrees F, or 150 degrees C].

Swamp Men
In the Everglades’ Big Cypress Swamp, more than 1,600 animals roam wild on thousands of acres in a park run by the Seminole tribe of Florida.  Best described as controlled chaos, the Billie Swamp Safari offers visitors face-to-face encounters with ostriches, American bison, African elan, wild alligators, venomous snakes, wild hogs, raccoons and virtually every other animal found near the swamp.  The goal is to immerse visitors in the wild, in accordance with the Seminoles’ love of harmony with nature, but sometimes these close encounters can mean trouble for people and wildlife.  It’s up to the park’s director, Ed Woods, and his tough team of self-described Swamp Men to patrol the land, relocate animals from dangerous situations and rescue animals in need.

Read more:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog 32/What's In the News"



   Elizabeth Taylor died in Los Angeles at the age of 79. The double Oscar-winning actress had a long history of ill health and was being treated for symptoms of congestive heart failure. Her four children were with her when she died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Elizabeth's most famous films included National Velvet, Cleopatra and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In her prime, she was arguably one of the world's greatest actresses and most beautiful women. Her colourful private life, screen success and Aids charity work ensured she was never far from the spotlight since finding fame at the age of 12. It is said that her legacy will never fade.


   A further 1p will be cut from pump prices at 6pm - all paid for by a £2bn tax on oil companies. But he did not halt planned rises in alcohol and tobacco tax - meaning a pint of beer could cost up to 10p more. The chancellor was forced to downgrade his growth forecasts - prompting mockery from Labour leader Ed Miliband. Mr Osborne's hands were tied by last year's spending review and his post-election Budget, which locks Britain into spending cuts to tackle its record budget deficit. Mr Osborne revealed that he now expected Britain's economy to grow at a slower rate than previously expected this year with the Office for Budgetary Responsibility cutting its growth forecast for 2011 from 2.1% to 1.7%. Mr Osborne said he would not increase tax on wine and beer above what was already announced by the previous Labour government - but campaign groups claimed that could add 10p to a pint of beer from Monday. But the Budget was welcomed by business groups, which said it would create jobs.


   A police van crashed into the car on Telford Street, Inverness. Six people, including two police officers and a pedestrian, have been injured in a crash involving a police van and a car. The male pedestrian, who is in his 40s, was injured by the car and was taken to hospital. The car's driver and two passengers were slightly injured. Northern Constabulary said the police van did not collide with the pedestrian and had not been involved in a pursuit. The two officers are not thought to have been badly hurt. As with all collisions involving police vehicles the matter will be fully investigated.



   Isabella Oleschuk, the 13-year-old girl missing since Sunday, was found alive this morning with a friend and church bells in the Connecticut town rang out to celebrate the news. She did leave home and she was with a friend and she is ok. "Our prayers have been answered," Annette Rubelman, a friend of the family, said through tears of joy. "We haven't been able to do anything." No one knows how or why Isabella went missing, but in the midst of their desperate search, police explored the possibility that the girl ran away to escape bullies. She had told several kids at school that she was going to run away because the bullying was so terrible and she was sure her parents were going to make her go back to school and she didn't want to.
Kids told Schurman that schoolmates called her "duck girl" because she likes to make quacking noises and animal sounds. Isabella is partially deaf and normally uses a hearing aid. Her hearing aid was left behind, prompting concerns among rescuers that she might not be able to hear people calling her name.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #30/10 Fav. Web-sites

   I visit this website very often. Basicallally, it is because of my assignments and homework. It is not so bad, though. It can be pretty fun to design it. Especially when I check my stats and see all the different people that look at my blog.
   This website is very resourceful. I am able to find a tremendous amount of information on it. I use it when I have to do a report or assignment on something or someone well-known. It can really come in handy. Wikipedia is very educational too.
   I use often also. I am able to go there and type in a question and have it answered. Sometimes it can be a little unreliable. If it is, I just go to wikipedia. It has much information on it and is very useful.

   I go to poptropica every once and a while. Although I have been unable to since my computer at home will not allow it. I am not sure why, but my uncle is going to fix it so that I may play. My sister and I go on it and play the Greek game. I am just glad I got pat that sphinx.
   Google has many, many things to look at. Normally I like to look at all the neat pictures on Images. My dad does too, especially the animals. I can also look at the different websites under what I type in. That, I think is pretty cool.
   I only visit this website to play the helicopter game. My mom was emailed the game and wanted me to play it. I was pretty good, so that is why I play it. It is fun too if you can keep the helicopter up in the air. I got one of the top scores too.
   I like to go here and look at all the animals.I also look in the dog breed directory. Also, I can look at the TV guide. It can tell you when the different shows come on Animal Planet. It can be very beneficial.
   This a helpful site to got to. I can type in a verse, any verse, and it will pull it up. I can even pick what bible to look in, NIV, NKJ, or any other kind I could think of.
   I like veggietales. I do not think it is a kid show. On the website, I can look at all the different movies. I can even look at the character info. I also love to look at the picture gallery
   Sometimes, I go to youtube and watch videos. I enjoy watching videos with animals. I especially like lions. The videos can be very cool. My sister loves to watch it too